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Omaha, Nebraska Reviews

Unedited and unfiltered reviews from Veterans and military families


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Would Recommend Veterans United to Friends and Family

4.8 out of 5

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4.5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

I have recommended VU already, specifically Michael Anderson. He's a rock star for sure.

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
2 out of 5 Stars

There were numerous events that occurred during the entire process that were unsettling and did lead to building any sense of confidence in the ability of the organization to deliver on time. Human performance was not at a high level.

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
4.5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

So very easy to work with.

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
4 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

Everything went very smooth up until the closing. The taxes were incorrectly figured and monthly payment went up $80.00.

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See all 1,954 unedited, unfiltered reviews from Veterans United customers who completed our post-closing satisfaction survey between January 2013 and today.

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